Claymore is generally a little more superior, longer range, more useful move set, the twohanded r2 is a poke which can do colossal damage on Leo ring counters, which Bastard can't Bastard looksClaymore has better range, 1h R2, and 2h WR All Bastard Sword has on it is a tiny bit of damage Since they have the same weight, reqs, and scaling, everyone just uses the Claymore since itIf you think the bastatd sword us better that's your opinion, but know that Claymore is widely considered one of the best standard weapons The 2 handed moveset is EXACTLY the same on both weapons

Bastard Sword Dark Souls 2 Wiki
Dark souls 2 bastard sword vs claymore
Dark souls 2 bastard sword vs claymore-The biggest factor seperating the two is their moveset claymore works great on either onehanded or twohanded, since it's moveset is largely unchanged between both stances Bastard Sword,Just use the Claymore, the moveset is basically the same 3 level 2 LionoftheNorth Op 7y On the other hand, the Drangleic Sword scales B with dex and C with strength, whereas the Bastard Sword and Claymore only scale C with both Granted, a Claymore 10 outdamages the Drangleic Sword 5 by 10 and since the Drangleic Sword needs twinkling

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Claymore and bastard sword are essentially equal It does Five more points of base damage, swings a little faster If youve already got a claymore, might as well stick with it I prefer the moveset of the bastard sword That onehand R2 thrust is a godsend in corridors I would say that the broadsword has huge downsides reachThis Rivalry has been around since Demon´s Souls where the claymore was in all accounts a better weapon, only reason to use the bastard was if you didnt want to past 18 strength In Dark souls, the bastard sword was actually more powerful and both swords had the exat same requirements, but, still shorter reach and the moveset specially the poke in the claymore made it the preferedFor the Dark Souls variant, see Claymore For the Dark Souls III variant, see Claymore (Dark Souls III) The Claymore is a greatsword in Dark Souls II 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades 5 Relevant Videos Sold by Vengarl in the fog section of the Shaded Woods for 4,300 souls, who can be found by clinging to the left hand wall at the start of the Woods The Claymore
The biggest difference would be their moveset Which ever is best is whichever your stats match best with scaling, and whichever moveset you enjoy most 1 level 2 deleted 7 years ago I enjoy the Bastard Swords moveset the most Which sucks because I do have a love for the Claymore 1For the PvP nuts! @ 1226pm They are both slow weapons so you will probably die before you can swing I personally like the Claymore the best Used it in DS1 and 2 off and on Last edited by brownie6 ;
This is the sequel to the Dark Souls 1 topic Claymore vs Bastard Sword Personally, I prefer the Bastard Sword It has a more unique moveset (in my opinion) is For Dark Souls II on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Bastard Sword vs Claymore vs Mirrah Greatsword" Page 2 Claymore is a weapon in Dark Souls 2 A very large greatsword Very heavy, and designed for use with both hands Allows for broad attacks that are effective against multiple foes Requires great strength and experience to handle effectively Acquired From Sold by Head of Vengarl for 4,300 souls in the heavily fogged forest area within the

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The claymore has a more versatile moveset, and the reach is a little bit greater That said, just get both and test 'em out against regular enemies whichever weapon YOU can wield more skillfully is the better weapon Bastard sword, although the consensus is that the claymore is betterI feel like the Bastard Sword and Claymore have switched roles in DS2 In DS the Claymore was basically a slightly more powerful and free version of the Bastard Sword, and now, the Bastard SwordAnother comparison video It's quite interesting seeing the nuanced differences between the weapons Some quick observations 1) Demon's Souls seems overall

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Elite Claymore At Dark Souls 2 Nexus Mods And Community
A lot of people on forums tend to lean towards the claymore, with the Drangleic sword being rarely mentioned But for a STR and DEX build, the Drangleic starts to outclass the Claymore quickly The one handed movesets are identical The 2Level 1 AshenVader 4 years ago I think claymore get's a B scaling with heavy gem eventually Considering it also get's an A in lightning as the bastard sword does, I am inclined to believe the BS might also get a B in heavy scaling If you are adamant about using only those two weapons, I'd go with the claymore 1 The Claymore By far the best greatsword in Dark Souls 3 is The Claymore This humble weapon is obtained early in the game by dropping from enemies that use it in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley It deals 138 base damage has a low weight to minimize stamina consumption and has the incredibly useful Stance skill

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I am looking to try and play dark souls for the first time and want to do something very simple and straight forward I was thinking of going a knight and was think of using a shield a longsword or a claymore but I dont know which one is best for someone who just wants an "easier", in terms of dark souls, time the first run of the game Which is the better of the two, again I want Demon's Souls Remake is no exception They were very similar to Zweihanders, which literally means two handed sword If you are going to use a Large Sword with STRbased upgrade trees, then Claymore is definitely going to be superior than Bastard Sword Thrusting R2s are A lot of people on forums tend to lean towards the claymore, with the Drangleic sword being rarely mentioned But for a STR and DEX build, the Drangleic starts to outclass the Claymore quickly The one handed movesets are identical The 2 handed movesets are completely different I mostly play one handed with a shield in the off hand

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Sunlight Cosplay But Then There Was Fire And With Fire Came Disparity Heat And Cold Life And Death And Of Course Light And Dark What S Your Favorite Weapon In The Souls
DARK SOULS™ II Not recommended slash damage is extremely weak compared to blunt unless you use a bastard sword type weapon or uber greatsword #1 Fox Claymore always it has a powerfull strong attack stab combo just go /12 so you can wield it and infuse it with an element of your choosing that you can buff If you want to goI haven't gotten to anything good yet, but I'll be using the Bastard Sword as soon as I find one, if it's anything like it was in Dark Souls EDIT Well, I've been using a 10 Fire Bastard for several hours; bastard sword vs claymore?

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The Bastard Sword is a greatsword in Dark Souls II 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Notes 5 Gallery Found on a corpse in the Forest of Fallen Giants near the Soldier's Rest bonfire Dropped by greatswordwielding Hollow Soldiers in the Forest of Fallen Giants Purchased fromSteady Hand McDuff for 3,000 souls The Bastard Sword is a fairly strong greatsword thatClose 2 Posted by 7 years ago A community dedicated to Dark Souls 2, game released for PC, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One 177k Members 723 Online Created Join Top posts march 15th 14 Top posts of march, 14 Top posts 14 i have been trying to choose between claymore and bastard sword also for my new build, so i tried experimenting with both of the swords and here are some of my findings Claymore proslonger range than bastard sworddoes a little bit more damage than the bastard sword

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I prefer the moveset of the bastard sword The wide sweeping attack is great for nicking people that try to roll or run past you And because the Claymore is prefered for PVP, its also a bit of an "Off Weapon" that most people arnt completely used to fighting 2 Flamberge is a weapon in Dark Souls 2 A greatsword with an undulating blade The unique shape is designed to pare the flesh, and is highly effective at causing bleeding Flamberge literally means "flame blade," but it also seems to bear a certain creature's likeness(Small spoilers maybe) Sooo, Bastard Sword or Claymore?

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Fextralife forums RPGs, Elden Ring, Nioh, Sekiro, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and more Bastard Sword Vs Claymore?< > Showing 115 of 17 comments Juice Machine @ 212pm OriginallyThe Bastard Sword is a great weapon available very early for a STR build However, I think the Claymore moveset is far superior Completely agree, though the Bastard is perfectly usable up to the end game I'm assuming by regular sword you mean no Ultra great, curved, and poke swords

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bastard sword does worse damage than claymore due to the lack of thrust, has worse range than claymore, and is useful in less situations (since it doesn't have a guard break that's fast or a poke) that being said, if you like bastard sword, keep using it there's nothing wrong with not using the metaThe Royal Guard let us borrow a Swordsman to show the move set for the Bastard Sword in Dark Souls 2"A standard greatsword Heavy greatswords are designed tDebate tactics, discuss builds, and set up duels Oh wait NVM, I was using the royal greatsword LMAO Yeah you can buff the mirrah sword, but it's a DEX weapon, wonder if it can still stun a

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By Anchises Fri 650 pm So, I'm working on a build that uses straight physical damage, no buffs or magic or elemental weapons, and I wanted to use one of these swords, the claymore or the bastard swordIt's been working quite well But I've just hastily thrown my last slabs into a pair of 10 Bleed Falchions I'm excited to see the results@ 1226pm #1 Traeus View Profile View Posts (Banned) @ 1226pm

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DARK SOULS™ III > General Discussions > Topic Details Tenacious Taco @ 211pm Bastard Sword Vs Claymore I'm torn between the two Which one is better, and why? But now I see these two weapons overall they are kind of similar, the bastard has a little lower base damage but has a nice R2 smash, while two handed it does a wide horizontal attack It only has a poke attack if I roll The claymore on the other hand has a ton of pokes and incredible phantom range The longsword in the souls series is way shorter than an actual longsword actually is and is in fact onehanded swords type XIX in Oakeshott classification I had to spit it out The Black knight greatsword is my main goto weapon for PVP man

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Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world onFor Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Bastard Sword vs Claymore" Page 3Some matches with this monster in a 40/40 quality buildI really like this weapon, in fact, this is my favourite greatsword by farI hope you enjoy!

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Mastodon Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 2 Greatsword of the Primal Knights that defend Drangleic Castle The brutish and mighty Primal Knights wield this sword like a featherlight twig, but to the ordinary warrior it is a chore to even hold up, owing to its great weight Terrible experiments were said to have taken place in a hidden manor in DrangleicEnjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world onBastard Sword The bastard sword is actually a powerhouse that's tragically caught in sibling rivalry, being outdone by its bigger brother the claymore While it sports higher base damage at 15 and decent scalings on infusions, it lacks the sheer versatility in

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Bastard Sword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3 A widelyused heavy greatsword normally wielded with two hands Broad horizontal sweeping attacks make this sword effective against multiple enemies, but unwieldy in narrow spaces Use one's weight to lunge forward with a low stance and increased poise, and follow with a strong attack for an upward slash Bastard Sword is a weapon in Dark Souls 2 A standard greatsword Heavy greatswords are designed to be wielded twohanded Normally swung in large arcs and effective against multiple foes, be wary that such attacks leave the wielder wide open Acquired From 1 Treasure in Forest of Fallen Giants Note that you must kill area boss first DirectionsThe Drangleic Swordis a greatsword in Dark Souls II 1 Availability 2 Moveset 3 Notes 4 Gallery Forest of Fallen Giants Beyond the Pursuer boss fight, drop down onto a ledge to acquire the Drangleic Set minus the Helm, Drangleic Shield and Drangleic Sword Upgrades with Twinkling Titanite Drangleic Sword 5 has 270 base damage and C/A//// scaling

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